Friday, January 16, 2009

You are the leader of your destiny

Today I had a job interview for a position I would seriously kill people for! I really hope it went well. I think it did.

I was thinking about how things are falling into place pretty well for me these days and am so grateful for it all. Believe me when I tell you, 2008 was rough for me. I felt like I was suffocating in a massive swamp surrounded by demons, zombies, circus clowns, etc. I didn't know when that would disappear, but slowly the zombies died off, the circus clowns hopped on the train for their next destination, and I kicked all the demons asses back to hell. Hopefully they will stay there and not bother any of you!

I can't wait for my asos clothes to come in the mail!!!

Have a rad weekend slatersons!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

where did you interview!!!!! that is so rad!!! I hope you get it!!!!