Friday, January 30, 2009

Flashback like whoa!


For those that have not seen this movie. Go rent now. It might only be available in VHS form but it's worth it!!

The first time I saw it was when I was like maybe 12 or something. I was staying home from school, probably "sick" and this little gem popped on HBO. Yep my parent's were subscribers, yet I still bought my clothes at Bradlees (oh another flashback). Actually Bradless was the shit. Come back Bradlees. Ok sorry totally off topic.

The movie is about Polly and Natalie. Polly is a total sex feen and talks about it constantly while Natalie is this preppy do-gooder. The ending is brills when they rollerskate down the street throughout the entire credits.

Go rent now. It's already on my netflix queue!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Things that irritate me Part 1


This magazine that I used to be incredibly fond of, mostly for its ability to waste hours of my day is officially o-v-e-r. Well it's going digital, but we all know what that means.

Anywhoozle, I posted something on the blog a couple of days ago and I checked to make sure it posted and it did. A couple of hours later, I see my comment was removed and a new topic was discussed involving my comment. I'd really like to know why this happened? And if you can't come up with your own ideas, maybe you shouldn't write for a magazine...just a suggestion. I'm totally not that pissed off, but I believe that credit should be given where credit is due or some ish along those lines!!!!!!!

***Sorry if you have used the above picture before in a blog, your myspace bulletin, facebook, etc. I don't have photoshop so I can't really make my own. Thanks internets

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Where is your Charlie Day?

My roommate, who happens to also be my bestest friend ever, and I are in love with Charlie from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. We cried together when we found out he was married in real life to the coffee chick and thought of ways to break them up. Then I realized, "hey I can't hurt Charlie."

The truth is every girl should have a Charlie. He's the perfect man. He's hilarious, he can't read (hey you can teach him, aww cute bonding experience), he runs a bar (hello free drinks), and he's not superhot so you won't get jealous when other girls check him out.

Mt bff and I were out on Saturday and these dudes waved us over to their table. So after a little deliberating we went over. The conversation wasn't awful but the guys weren't that interesting. They pointed out the one guy as the "funny one" but he barely spoke and when he did it was clearly not funny. I decided to share with my new company about how I am looking for a Charlie Day. They happened to actually be it's always sunny fans too.


At this point I was a little buzzed and don't really remember what they were talking about nor did I care, because as I sat there drinking my imported beer, I decided I will not settle for just anyone. I need a dude like Charlie to keep me on my toes and to let me borrow his thermal underwear when I sleep over.

Friday, January 16, 2009

You are the leader of your destiny

Today I had a job interview for a position I would seriously kill people for! I really hope it went well. I think it did.

I was thinking about how things are falling into place pretty well for me these days and am so grateful for it all. Believe me when I tell you, 2008 was rough for me. I felt like I was suffocating in a massive swamp surrounded by demons, zombies, circus clowns, etc. I didn't know when that would disappear, but slowly the zombies died off, the circus clowns hopped on the train for their next destination, and I kicked all the demons asses back to hell. Hopefully they will stay there and not bother any of you!

I can't wait for my asos clothes to come in the mail!!!

Have a rad weekend slatersons!

Monday, January 12, 2009

For all the fashionistas and fashion dreamers

Check this site.

The most outstanding part of the site is that users can make up their own sets. You can put together an outfit, including accessories, shoes, etc. and tag the items so other users can buy it. It looks like a page in magazines but is put together by people like you..and you and even me!

This is one of my favorites :

"Sheer" Genius
"Sheer" Genius by ♥✿PaintHead

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

sex and the innocents

Future short story is in the works. I have the concept drawn out and the title (see above). I have missed writing. I got lazy and "distracted". I will write about anything just to see the pen float across the page. I will write anything just to feel the keyboards bounce under my fingertips.

I have all these thoughts and ideas floating around in my head. This normally happens when I am trying to fall asleep. I am excited to finish this story. Maybe I will develop a screenplay for it.

My head is finally clear and ready to export my concepts into my art, my passion.