Being back on the east coast makes the holidays seem more like the holidays. I'm not walking around westwood in a short sleeved shirt and flip flops. Instead I am bundled to the max in sweaters, scarves, hats and whatever else I can get my hands on when I leave the house. Living in LA, it was hard to really get in the holiday spirit. For some reason this year I find myself already keeping the christmas station on in the car (a thing I have hated for years) and totally singing along. To get more festive I have decided to list my favorite Christmas movies of all time!
Love Actually
Mega awesome cast and cute love stories during the holidays in London, need I say more. Ohai Colin Firth!
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
Total family tradition to watch this around the holidays. Definitely gets the most laughs and who doesn't love Randy Quaid?
Forrest Gump
I must have seen this for the first time around Christmas because for some reason I always get the urge to watch it this time of year.
It's A Wonderful Life
Hard to believe I have only seen this one time and it was um er right around this time last year. oops.
Little Women
My favorite movie when I was a teenager. Who didn't want Teddy (yum Christian Bale) living next door to them?
Probably the most recent quote worthy Christmas flick. Will Ferrell wearing yellow tights anyone?
Home Alone
Macaulay Culkin before "The Good Son"
Die Hard
No you didn't read that wrong. I said it Die Hard. My favorite action movie that promotes the holiday spirit!
A Nightmare Before Christmas
Kind of like two Holidays in one plus some singing!!
Mickey's Christmas Carol
I have seen mostly all of the twists on A Christmas Carol but this is by far my favorite.
Babes in Toyland
The Drew Barrymore-Keanu Reeves one. I haven't seen the original.
Billy Murray is one of the many loves of my life.
A Christmas Story
Nothing like 24 hours of air time to remind you that it is indeed Christmas.
*None of these are in any kind of order.