Two of my friends are getting married this fall. I am super excited for them and also super excited to go to some weddings!! It would be nice to have a date for both weddings since the majority of my friends have boyfriends. The thought of finding a date for a wedding reverts me back to high school and trying to find a date to prom!! So instead of going to a wedding with someone I don't clearly like or enjoy being around I have decided to do both solo, unless I meet a gentleman of course.
I was making a reservation at the hotel for Rosalie's wedding and found myself lying to the woman on the phone. When she asked me if I was booking for myself and another person I quickly said yes. Why was I lying to someone I will probably never meet face to face? Is it really such a big deal to go to a wedding alone?? Why am I such a liar?
Well it turns out they didn't have any traditional rooms left so I am now going to be staying in a room with a fireplace and jacuzzi!!! Score for me! (By the way I think this story is absolutely hysterical and cannot wait to start a fire and jump into the jacuzzi)